Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Spaces Project - RRG

12/4 - Images of the final installation


11/5 post

I'm interested in confusing the boundaries between flatness and space, imagined versus real, representation versus actual object, the digital world versus the physical world. In projecting an image of something onto that actual something, the real object takes on the grainy, imperfect look of a bad photograph. In projecting other things onto that something, (which do not exist in the real world) you know that those objects are simple flat projections. But once you discover the spot in which everything aligns, you start to see the physical mass of the things you know to be flat. They start to inhabit an imagined space that exist somewhere between 2D and 3D.

So this is the image I made in photoshop.
(not exactly the one I am projecting, but the one that gives the best idea of the space)

And here's a quick phone snap of the image being projected into the space.
This is the one view in the room that lines up the image in this way.

Old post below.

So I was interested in finding out what would happen if I photographed a space, then projected that image onto the same space. I was thinking it would be visually confusing, if nothing else. But I'm also thinking about the difference between a two dimensional image and our physical, 3D interaction with space, which is what I am exploring in my other work. And potentially blurring the lines between the two.

So I tried experimenting with the lecture room since I've always really liked the ceiling in there.
I took a bunch of photos in the room (from the spot where I would place the projector) and photomerged them together to give me this:
(I'm leaving these images small here, but I think you can click on them to see them bigger, right?)

I then tried projecting the image into the room a few different ways. I was thinking portrait orientation would make more sense, but honestly I was nervous putting the projector on its side so... that's just the way it is for now. I also couldn't get the projector far enough away to fill the ceiling, so I ended up just focusing on a small segment of the photo.
Here is what it looked like when I tried lining up the "real" room with my photo as best I could. 
I was unpleased. It would be cool if it could fill a whole space without the weird rectangle of the projector, maybe? It did give the real stuff a grainy look that you only really see in technology, which is kind of interesting I guess? Eh...

So I played with scale a little bit. Put the 2D space inside of the 3D space in a way. (centering on the clock)

Then tried keeping the scale consistent but shifting the image.

Then tried just putting my whole image on the back wall, just to see...

So now I'm not sure where I really want to go from here. Ideally I would like to figure out a way to have a small enough space that the projector could fill, but the projector would also have to be able to get far enough away from the space in order to do that... Does that even make sense?

Anyways, any comments, suggestions, or opinions would be helpful.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Anna Sheals -Identity

Hokay. So. Lots of stuff is going on with me trying to coordinate with other people to borrow a camera/ find a location/ and get the files sorted to post. I haven't posted until now is that I wanted to wait so I could put the actual video files with the post, but apparently that's really difficult. I will try to ad in the video or some stills tomorrow if it decides to cooperate.

I have shifted my project since the shoes idea to focusing on full outfits. I want to explore how what a person wears and how they walk affects our perception of them. I have filmed my self walking across a plain background (really hard to find) in 14 different outfits starting with casual workout clothes and moving through fancy to ridiculous costume. I will have them all edited together so every half second or so the outfit will change as I walk.
So my plan is kind of difficult to explain, no surprise there. Technique wise I want to play around with stop animation that is based on actual video footage. I was thinking about how much of our personalities is interpreted by by others based on how we walk and what we wear.

So I want to do a short animation of feet walking, but as they walk they change into different people wearing different shoes. This will be really hard, but maybe achievable.

Here is one short crappy to give you an idea of the visual research I am working on. I would link more but they take forEVER to load.

It would be awesome to get a tutorial on importing a video to photoshop so each frame was available to view and draw over. 

Ratchet's Blue Adventure - FINAL

Narrative Final Project - Shaba

My initial idea wasn't to have the video comedic, but after the editing process I realized it just makes a lot more sense, here it is, for your interpretation:

Final Project ~ Ashley Gallagher

I will play the video from my flash drive in class but the link doesn't work yet. Its still uploading. It wouldn't upload to the blog again.

If it ever gets uploaded, it will be here.

This project is stressful.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Grace Norton Animation/Narrative/Identity FINALLLLLL!!!!! yaya

my narrative turned out a little abstract. i don't have a lot to say about it.... it's pretty interpretive.

I have the movie file on a flashdrive, so I think i'll play from that instead of this when i formally present.

Friday, November 29, 2013

If you haven't done so already... please leave comments for at least two projects.

Looking forward to seeing all your finished work on the Narrative Identity project. I will check back here on the blog if you have last minute questions or issues. Remember to have one of your previous projects ready to exhibit on Thursday.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Identity and Narrative Progress--Adelia

Sorry for not uploading until now, my camera has been a bit finicky and I haven't haven't been able to take the pictures I want... but I've got it figured out, just not enough time to post as much as I had wanted to up until now. I have a lot of work ahead of me, but I know what I'm doing and have the tools to do it.

As I said before, I'm aiming to reconstruct a fingerprint self-portrait I made in high-school centered around the theme of personal identity. I'm actually replicating part of the portrait with an ink pad and paper and my thumbprints, then I will be blending in parts of my finished portrait (from HS) in photoshop to create a stop animation which aims to show the progression of how it would have looked when I made this the first time (so I'm trying to see if I can mix actually doing the artwork by hand, and doing the artwork digitally, to see if it comes across as all being made by hand). I made a big mistake and took these pictures as I was recreating this piece in portrait orientation, not landscape, which is pretty awkward for video, so I got more paper and fixed my camera and will be re-doing the work I have done up until now IN LANDSCAPE ORIENTATION. Below is a short video of what the initial part of the stop animation will look like (the orientation will be changed).

I think after the stop animation of the portrait, I will try to fade into a photoshop-sketched drawing of myself, then into the original photo I used to make this portrait.

I do want to add sound, but I'm still looking for something... I want something rhythmic that parallels the fingerprinting the printing, but I don't want anything to be too distracting.

Any comments would be helpful--feel free to be brutally honest, I'm a big girl, I can take it.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Identity/Narrative: Ratchet's Blue Adventure


So I know this looks lame and like its not much. But trust me I spent all of today working on it (plus a few times here and there on fri and sat). I know I'm going so slowly because I'm still trying to learn Illustrator, which I am getting better at. Its going a little bit faster and faster the further I get along. But still overall really slow. Illustrator is actually really cool, but only once you figure out it's tricks.... which I've been doing after I go through doing something the complicated way then realize "oh that thing i spent an hour doing... i could have done it in 5 minutes this way"

I am learning cool things though. Like how to make your own pattern fill and use gradients and stuff like that.

So here's what I've got...
Oh and the crappy image quality is because I had to export them as jpegs to upload. It should all be vectors so once its done it will look nice for printing.


For this project, I decided to collaborate with a friend to write/illustrate a mock kids book, titled Ratchet's Blue Adventure. (It will be a kids book in the same way "Go the Fuck to Sleep" is a kids book). It will tell the story of my birthday this year, which was a ridiculous night in which I was the boss of everything with absolute veto power. I think it makes sense for the identity project because rarely do we get to act however we want to so unapologetically. Thus that night was like a manifestation of my true, uninhibited self (in a silly sort of way).

I rarely make art that is so blatantly about myself so this is definitely a weird thing for me. I plan on drawing the images with the tablet using Illustrator (an extra challenge but hopefully I will learn a lot from doing it). I'll send the book off to a website to have it printed so it will actually be a physical book.
something like this:

I'm also not thinking about this as a piece of fine art that would appeal to anyone so much as something more intended for people I actually know (and more specifically the people that were with me that night). Not sure where that falls on the "art" scale, but... I feel like could be a place for that sort of stuff.

Adam is the one writing the words. He has total control over what he is writing, so I like the challenge of just having to work with whatever he gives me. This is the first half that he has written:

Hip-hip hooray! It's Ratchet's birthday! She is wearing her colors quite well Her party is going Theres blue drink a-flowing So why would a birthday girl yell?
"Listen Everybody, I'm moving this party" She screamed in the voice of a punk. But while standing she sways, So her friends lead the way. I think that dear Ratchet's blue drunk.
And though it was far, She got to the bar, And just in time for the show. For a swashbuckling tune, Ratchet left a dubloon, But soon it was time to go.

Identity/Narrative Final- Emily Kleinfelter

Here's the final video! Just a caution, the images are kinda graphic so I hope you can stomach it. That's sorta the point though, that this subject is hard to stomach.
Anyways, here's the YouTube link: A New Take on Beauty

Old Post:

Alrighty, it took me forever to figure out what exactly I wanted to do and how I wanted to do it, but I finally have something and I actually really like where it's going. So my piece is going to focus on women's bodies and the stress that we are put under by society is a lot of different aspect and how a lot of girls deal with it, and then what I personally believe is healthy and beautiful. I'm going to have 4 different pieces, each one having a different way that girls have dealt with this pressure to be "beautiful" and "perfect." By this I mean, anorexia and self-harm. But on the other end of the spectrum, there is obesity and not living a healthy life in that way as well. I'm still working with some ideas for the 4th one (and if anybody has an idea, please comment!). The piece is going to be a video made in After Effects. The video will start blank and then image by image, the piece will start to become a collage of images that portray these disorders. Those images will be in black and white and then the last image will be one of the pictures I took of myself and my friends working out, looking healthy and strong. Then the video will proceed to the next set of images, and so on.

Here is what one of the final images looks like (this one is focused on anorexia)

I'm using Tumblr a lot to find pictures and I'm finding a lot of sickening text posts as well, so I am thinking about having those type out in the video as well. It's stuff like "I'll slim down. I'll have a thigh gap like those other girls. you'll be able to see my hipbones and ribs. I'll slim down i swear." And when the final image covers up the collage of bodies, I might have quotes or something that supports being healthy and strong.

I know this is a very controversial topic and I do apologize if I offend anyone with the way I am going about doing this, but this is my interpretation of how I feel about this topic and it's something I am very passionate about, so I hope that I can capture that in this.

I know I have a lot of work to do, but I can finish this. Plus I just downloaded Photoshop and After Effects on my computer so I can work on it over the break!

Shaba (Development Process)

When continuing with this idea I had to figure out the purpose of this project. I was getting questions like is it going to be a video compilation of just my dog, or a set of images and video clips of him mixed in with some music like my last video. So to avoid what I have already done the purpose of this video will be a transition of themes. My dog is a Siberian Samoyed and is one of 7 ancient breed of dogs. I want to transition between what was the initial intended use for these dogs compared to the wacky uncontrollable personality of mine.

Another question I got was am I going to have enough content to work with, since I don't have direct face to face contact with him so I can film him. Other the years we have collect plenty of videos and images of him gowning up and over the past couple of days I have been basically sent all of it so no worries there. Here is some of the content I have:

These are just a few of the images but I have around 20 or so video clips of him as well.

I wish I could show you more of the editing and development of the video but I'm having some problems with the effects I've been trying, so any copy I could show you would be pointless and have nothing to do with what I'm trying to get across and my laptops Photoshop crashed so the imagery that I was working on were lost :/. Basically what you should have in your head is half the Discovery Channel half Wacky Home Videos. But for my transitioning of scenes or video clips here is some of the transitioning I've been working with:

Animation Rough Draft

This is what I have so far, I'm interested in continuing the video to fulfill the entire length of the song while polishing the entire thing up.

Animation Rough Draft

This isn't a complete rough draft. There is still too much I need to do to complete it and there was no way I would finish, even if I worked nonstop all weekend. Basically I have about 71 characters to do, times about 12-15, and I have only done about eleven.

I wanted to add the music but after effects wouldn't let me. I'm going to try to convert it to another audio file but I can't do it at the moment. But the song is called Sticks and Stone by Jonsi. Its a song on the How to Train Your Dragon soundtrack. I felt like it really fit with the video.

I realized that the background and the person will be in black and white and both will be pictures that I have taken (not drawn or taken from the internet). Halfway through the pictures will turn to color. I'm thinking of making the balloon Pooh is holding blue the entire time.

I was thinking when the pictures turn back to color that all the characters would be in color too but I won't have time for that.

I'm putting the link instead of the video because the blog won't let me upload a video. The animation is only about 30 seconds and the rest of the video is just the person and the background.

I am not keeping this background. I'm going to take my own pictures for the background over Thanksgiving break since I can't find the perfect pictures online. I also realized that I never colored in Courage so I'll have to do that too. Some of the animations need to slow down too. Also I will need to figure out where each character will stand in relation to the video. Will they  walk along the bottom or be up a little? I'm thinking a mixture of both depending on the characters.

Grace Identity/Narrative project (progress)

Ok so here are two clips from my project so far. Post production stuff will determine the overall length of the piece. They don't seem very connected right now but I'm just working in sections, in no particular order.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Narrative and Identity - Quinn

I think I understand the narrative part of this project but I am having a hard time with identity. I don't feel like I quite capture identity yet or really understand how to do so.
So I am sticking with the sci-fi fantasy genera and as you can see I'm using Star Wars.
I plan on altering the images quite a bit from where they are currently.