Monday, November 25, 2013

Identity and Narrative Progress--Adelia

Sorry for not uploading until now, my camera has been a bit finicky and I haven't haven't been able to take the pictures I want... but I've got it figured out, just not enough time to post as much as I had wanted to up until now. I have a lot of work ahead of me, but I know what I'm doing and have the tools to do it.

As I said before, I'm aiming to reconstruct a fingerprint self-portrait I made in high-school centered around the theme of personal identity. I'm actually replicating part of the portrait with an ink pad and paper and my thumbprints, then I will be blending in parts of my finished portrait (from HS) in photoshop to create a stop animation which aims to show the progression of how it would have looked when I made this the first time (so I'm trying to see if I can mix actually doing the artwork by hand, and doing the artwork digitally, to see if it comes across as all being made by hand). I made a big mistake and took these pictures as I was recreating this piece in portrait orientation, not landscape, which is pretty awkward for video, so I got more paper and fixed my camera and will be re-doing the work I have done up until now IN LANDSCAPE ORIENTATION. Below is a short video of what the initial part of the stop animation will look like (the orientation will be changed).

I think after the stop animation of the portrait, I will try to fade into a photoshop-sketched drawing of myself, then into the original photo I used to make this portrait.

I do want to add sound, but I'm still looking for something... I want something rhythmic that parallels the fingerprinting the printing, but I don't want anything to be too distracting.

Any comments would be helpful--feel free to be brutally honest, I'm a big girl, I can take it.


  1. Adelia! With only 4 secs there's not a lot to comment on here. On my computer the quality seems pretty low/blurry/pixilated. Not sure what's causing that problem as it could be due to one of the following issues: your original photography is out of focus, the render is low quality, and/or my internet streaming is terrible. Another issue is maintaing an even white balance/lighting on the paper. As with many of your projects, your idea is good, and I am excited by the possibility of what this could look like, but I am worried about the quality/time it will take to complete... (you're probably stressed out about that too!)

    The image reminds me a little of Vik Muniz's work:

    Good luck getting it done! If you'd like more comments upload again by Sunday and I will do my best to be helpful!

  2. do you have a tripod or some way to keep the camera more still? if not, maybe put the paper up on a wall and tape your camera to a table or something? i think a little movement between frames is not bad, but too much and its hard to see what's going on. and also maybe white-balance your camera (if it does that) and isolate your lighting so that it stays consistent.
