Sunday, November 24, 2013

Grace Identity/Narrative project (progress)

Ok so here are two clips from my project so far. Post production stuff will determine the overall length of the piece. They don't seem very connected right now but I'm just working in sections, in no particular order.


  1. This looks cool. I am interested to see the rest. Instrumental or lyrical music will work well with these clips. If you decide you don't want to bother with music, you could always add some transitional music, like wind chimes or something like that, to the video every time the object transforms. But it might feel too quiet.

  2. I really love the first video. I like the stop animation look and I think it works really well with the subject matter and drawing style. I am intrigued and, even though I'm sure it takes ages, really want to see more. I don't know how long you were planning on making it, if any longer at all, but the clip definitely makes me want to keep watching.

    The most successful aspect for me is the color change. I think the shifts are done very nicely and it makes it interesting to watch and cohesive as a whole.

  3. Right on Grace! These are cool and you have some real skill with drawing animations from your mind. The two videos do seem fragmented. It's also weird to see drawn animation with photographic doors. Not sure if that's a problem, but they represent different levels of visual information-- the photographs being more detailed, impersonal feeling, and static in contrast to the drawing that is simplified, personal, and transformative.

    All of it seems feminine: pink, kiss, pretty/idealized figure in the first video. The second clip has a tension to it-- the doors seem like pintrest/on-line decorating tips and then the face is intense/freaked out. Curious to see how the narrative develops.
